Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sometimes I think the world is spinning out of control...and that at any given moment I might find my feet unglued from this earth beneath them, my body flung from the planet--like a child from a merry-go-round--to go free-floating through the universe...

I find it hard to imagine sometimes that the grass could ever be greener on the other side...that better catches await me in more fecund seas, but I look around me and I realize that we are all growing. Life has so many more surprises and joys and sorrows to offer me and my generation in the years to come, provided we take responsibility for this world we live in.

I won't pretend that day to day events and long-term pains and frustrations don't get me down now and again, but I will say that I look around me in the faces of those growing up right next to me and I realize now that I am not alone. We are all learning, trying to get our bearings...spreading our feeble wings and diving down to meet our fates, or soar with our ancestors.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I hate

how everything painful is magnified by like...a million now. What is going on with me?!

Reading back on old poems brings surges of emotions that I'm not accustomed to having just over reading something I've written...

Uhg. Even writing is a painful experience as of late...

Such shit.
